Current Student Resources

Current Student Resources

UCCS wants you to succeed during your educational career. Find resources here that will assist you throughout your UCCS enrollment.

Awards & Scholarships

Outstanding students within the UCCS Department of Economics may be selected for different awards and scholarships.

Awards & Scholarships

UCCS Economics Club

The Economics Club strives to engage students who are interested in economics through various academic and social activities like career fairs, conferences and internships. An emphasis is placed on connecting students with faculty and networking opportunities to extend economic education beyond the classroom.

UCCS Economics Club

Department Faculty & Staff

Meet the faculty members who will be guiding you throughout your university career. Learn more about their research and fieldwork.

Department Faculty & Staff
faculty member teaching class

Economics Tutor Lab

Need help with your studies? Tutoring is available for students of Economics, particularly those in ECON 1010 Introduction to Microeconomics, ECON 1050 Economics in Practice, and ECON 2020 Introduction to Macroeconomics.

Economics Tutor Lab

Tutor Lab for Economics Students

Is Economics troubling you?  Need a little extra help before the next exam? Help is here!

Tutoring is available for students of Economics, particularly those in ECON 1010 Introduction to Microeconomics, ECON 1050 Economics in Practice, and ECON 2020 Introduction to Macroeconomics.

This semester, Economics Tutoring will be available in-person (Academic Office Building, open office area, room 220). Tutors may also be available via Microsoft Teams or Zoom during their scheduled hours, but in-person students take priority. If you wish to meet online, please email the on-duty tutor to schedule a time.

Our Tutors