Tutor Lab
Economics Tutoring
Is Economics troubling you? Need a little extra help before the next exam? Help is here!
Tutoring is available for students of Economics, particularly those in ECON 1010 Introduction to Microeconomics, ECON 1050 Economics in Practice, and ECON 2020 Introduction to Macroeconomics.
This semester, Economics Tutoring will be available in-person (Academic Office Building, open office area, room 220). Tutors may also be available via Microsoft Teams or Zoom during their scheduled hours, but in-person students take priority. If you wish to meet online, please email the on-duty tutor to schedule a time.
Our Tutors:
- Cesar Gonzalez (cgonza12@uccs.edu)—an Economics major with a Finance minor
- Devin Halvorson (dhalvors@uccs.edu)—a Business Administration major with an Economics minor
To meet with a tutor:
• Please visit the tutor lab in the Academic Office Building, room 220.
• Walk-ins are welcome and in-person students take priority over on-line tutoring.
• For on-line tutoring, please contact the on-duty tutor via email to arrange an appropriate time.
A few notes:
• Tutors are here to assist you in your studies. They are not instructors or professors and do not replace them.
• It works best if you come to the tutoring session with specific questions in mind or written down. Be prepared for the tutoring session with some self-study ahead of time. This will help you get the most out of your time with the tutor.
• Any questions or concerns about our tutoring program can be directed to our supervising faculty member, Daniel Driscoll (ddriscol@uccs.edu).
The Schedule: Tutoring is available on:
Monday | 12:30 pm-3:30 pm 4 pm-6 pm | Devin Cesar |
Tuesday | 12:30 pm-3:30 pm 4:30 pm-6 pm | Devin Cesar |
Wednesday | 12:30 pm-3:30 pm | Devin |
Thursday | 4:30 pm-6 pm | Cesar |
**Note the Tutor Lab will be closed during Spring Break (Mar 24-28) |
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