Farida Khan, Ph.D.
Professor Department of EconomicsBiographical Information
Dr. Farida Chowdhury Khan has a B.B.A in Economics from Georgia College and State University, an M.S in Economic Policy and Planning from Northeastern University, and a PhD. in Economics from University of Maryland. Her research background is in International trade policy, numerical general equilibrium models, and she works on economic development in South Asia, primarily on Bangladesh. She has written on topics related to capital goods, micro-credit, gender, and more recently environmental issues as they connect to indigenous peoples in India and Bangladesh. Her writing also includes topics on the US economy.
Courses Taught
Spring 2020
- ECON 3020 Intermediate Macroeconomics
- ECON 4990 Senior Seminar
Fall 2020
- ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics (online)
- ECON 3770 Economic Development
- ECON 4990 Senior Seminar
Recent Research Publications
- “The Bangladesh Economy” South Asia 2023 - 20th Edition - Europa Publications - Routledge Books. Forthcoming.
- Khan, F.C., Misha, F., Murshid, N., Rabbani, A., and Talukdar, B. “The wellbeing of garment workers in Bangladesh during COVID 19 - does gender matter” International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies. Forthcoming.
- Economic and Labour Relations Review, 2023, 140-156.With Lincke, S.J. (2019) "Ethical Management of Risk: active shooters in higher education". Journal of Risk Research. 1-15.
- “Women’s Employment in the Informal Sector in Developing Countries; Contributions of Lourdes Benería and Martha (Marty) Chen”, Madden, K.K., Dimand, R.W. eds. The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought. 2019. London: Routledge
- With Van Gent, T. and Cloutier, T. (2018) “Industrial Effects on Male and Female Unemployment over the Great Recession: An Interurban Analysis”. American Economist. 1-12.
- “The Subject and Numeracy: Economics and Development”. (2015) Journal of Bangladesh Studies 1-9. Published October 2017.
- With Islam., F. and Quazi, R. Money and Macroeconomics. University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2017.
- "Women’s Work in Urban Bangladesh; Do Types of organizations matter?” Gender in Management: An International Journal. 2016, 32(2): 78-96.
- “Diversity Economics: Chipping away at the Oxymoron” in Fujimoto, E., Mason, R., and Akindes, F., ed Diversity in the College Classroom: Knowing Ourselves, Our Students, & Out Disciplines, Common Ground Publishing. Illinois. 2016. 152-163.
- “Labor” in Riaz, A. and Rahman, M.S. eds. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Bangladesh. Taylor and Francis, UK. 2016. 173-186.
- “The State of the Commons” East West Affairs. 2013, 1(3 and 4): 109-122.
- Mridha, H. and Khan, F., “Does unemployment affect compensating wage differentials for work related fatal injuries? Empirical evidence from occupational data”, Applied Economic Letters, 2013, 20 (14): 1283-1287.
- “Heterogeneity as Heterodoxy in Development Policy: Tribal communities in Bangladesh and Kerala”, International Journal of Development Issues, 2013, 2(1): 4-21.
- With M. Quddus, Bangladesh Economy in the 21st Century. University Press Limited, Dhaka, 2012.
- “The Real Effect of Micro-credit; Rural Redistribution and Transformations” Journal of Bangladesh Studies: Special Issue on Micro-credit, 2012, 13 (2): 44-53.
- “Household Work, Labor Time and the Schooling of Girls in Rural South Asia”, Journal of Developing Areas, 2012, 46(2): 249-267.
- “A Collateral Damage of Development Policy: Paharis in the Chittagong Hills" in Mohaimen, N. ed. Between Ashes and Hope: Chittagong Hill Tracts in the Blind Spot of Bangladesh Nationalism. Drishtipat and Manusher Jonno. Dhaka, 2010. 99-102.
- With Ahmed, A., and Quddus, M., eds. Recreating the Commons? NGOs in Bangladesh. University Press Limited, Dhaka, 2009.
- “A Decade of Trade Liberalization: How Has Domestic Industry Fared in Bangladesh?” in Andaleeb, S. A., ed. The Bangladesh Economy: Diagnoses and Prescriptions. University Press Limited, Dhaka. 2008. 37-49.
- “Credit for Self Employment: Analysis with a Computable General Equilibrium Incorporating Household Production in Rural Bangladesh” in Akram, T., Hossain, A. and Khan, F. eds. Economic Analyses of Contemporary Issues in Bangladesh, University Press Limited, Dhaka . 2006. 121-137.
Professional Associations
- Executive Committee Member, Bangladesh Development Initiative
- Executive Council, Association for Social Economics
- Member, International Association for Feminist Economics
- Consultative Committee Member, Bangladesh Environmental Network
- Member, Association for Economic Development Studies on Bangladesh
- Editor in Chief, Journal of Bangladesh Studies
206 Academic Office Building
Department of Economics
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Colorado Springs, CO 80918