Center for Economic Education
About the Center

The Center is affiliated with the Colorado Council on Economic Education (CCEE) and the National Council on Economic Education. The primary objective of the Center and CCEE is to promote and improve the quality and quantity of economic education in Colorado's K-12 schools.
The Center and CCEE offer classes, workshops, and a comprehensive library of instructional resources designed to equip teachers with the needed background of economic understanding and the finest classroom materials available for their students.
Each year the Center and Council serve over 2,000 teachers. Since its founding in 1976, CCEE (in cooperation with the Center) has trained teachers from nearly every Colorado public school district and scores of private and religious schools. In addition, many of these schools and school districts are benefiting from CCEE/Center curriculum design assistance.
To learn more, please contact the Center's Director
Mission Statement
The mission of the Center for Economic Education at UCCS is to foster basic economic understanding and prepare students to participate effectively as responsible citizens and productive members of society by providing them with an understanding of the American economic system.
Studying Economics

Economics is essential for every student. Every generation has faced unique economic challenges and opportunities. How the people in society confront these challenges and take advantage of opportunities will not only determine their prosperity but also the prosperity of future generations. The economic decisions of people have tremendous consequences, both in the short run and the long run.
Today, early in the 21st century, we face many different economic challenges and opportunities. How we in society -- workers, students, teachers, parents, consumers, retirees, business and community leaders, voters, etc. -- approach and confront these challenges and opportunities will depend on our knowledge of how the economy works. If our economic knowledge is sound and if we apply it well, we can transform the challenges and opportunities into genuinely improved outcomes.
Knowledge of our free enterprise system is a necessary preparation for functional adulthood -- adults who will become responsible and productive citizens. Economic education has never been more important because educating our youth for the challenges of the future will require economically literate employees, consumers, and responsible family members.
Teaching Economics

Teachers are the key to educational excellence. Most Americans have had little or no economics in school, even at the college or university level. And, of greater concern is that very few teachers are required to take even one course in economics. In fact, among social studies teachers -- those most apt to teach economics in middle schools and high schools -- less than half have any formal economics background.
CCEE and the Center provide a unique solution as the only Colorado organization educating teachers to teach economics.
Educating those who teach our children is a highly cost-effective means of achieving economic literacy. One teacher, armed with sound economic understanding and creative classroom programs, makes economics interesting and relevant to 35 to 150 students each semester, year after year. The result -- thousands of young citizens armed with an essential life skill -- the economic way of thinking.